Bird News (14th,March, Vol.2)
BIRD MP4 Series Handsets
BIRD MP3 Series Handsets

BIRD Stock’s Share Merger Reform got highly approved by shareholders
On March 29th, the Share Merger Reform Shareholder Conference of Ningbo Bird Co.,LTD. is conducted in the No.1 Meeting Room of BIRD HOTEL. This conference is called together by the company board, and hosted by the board chairman Lihua Xu. Total number of shareholders and agents presented at the conference is 13, representing 240,550,151 shares, occupying 62.64% of the company’s total stock, in which there are 5 non-tradable share shareholders and agents, representing 240,000,000 shares; and 8 tradable share shareholders and agents, representing 550,151 shares. Board members, inspectors, other senior managers, agent representatives and witness attorney also participated in the conference. According to the agenda, Shareholders and agents earnestly discussed the Share Merger Reform Plan submitted by the Board, and voted on the proposal non-secretly. While waiting for the result from web votes, Board chairman Lihua Xu precisely analyzed the 2005 loss of the company from two aspects of external and internal, and introduced the operational situation of the R&D Company cooperated with SAGEM. Lihua