Bird News (30th,April, Vol.3)
We create a new column named SHARE in order to introduce the excellent employees from different departments including R&D, production, quality, administration, sale and service. We believe it’s a good stage to share the experience from employees of BIRD to everybody.
BIRD Stock achieved 23 million RMB for the first quarter
Based on the 2006 Q1 financial report released recently, BIRD Stock (600130) achieved revenue of 2.0519 billion RMB with 23 million of net profit. Under critical market situation in 2005, BIRD managed to change product planning quickly.  By series of improvement including production forecast strategy, common production palnning, common purchasing; BIRD accomplished remarkable market effect, which led to the significant profit of the company.
Change production plan according to the sales requirement
Before 2004, the mobile phone market in China was in its popularization period, with extremely bloomy market demand, and demand continuously exceeded supply.  GSM Components were mainly imported from abroad & the delivery period was quite long.  The production capacity was seriously deficient at that moment, and only few companies settled sales volumes according to the production, which led to overstock.  After 2nd half of 2004, because of the dramatic increase of local production plants, the production capacity has already over the demand of market.  Since 2nd half of 2005, BIRD started to adjust production plan according to the sales forecast.  By this way, BIRD can balance the demand of market more easily.