Bird News (July 1, 2006 Vol.4)
BIRD launched the 2006 marketing Communication Plan --“Phoenix Project to prepare the October Golden Week
Bird launched the 2006 market communication plan, the “Phoenix Project”, to cover both external and internal communication and which takes into consideration all the steps of market promotion to implement a series of effective improving procedures. Main objectives are to re-position BIRD Brand image (towards a happiness, young, freedom and fashion oriented brand) and internally to increase the employees’ confidence and competence, so as to well prepare the Golden Week sales peak in October.
This “Phoenix Project” will last 4 months to renovate Bird brand image, encourage confidence among employees, raise overall brand competitiveness and sales capability, expand BIRD mobile phones market share and maintain Bird’s leading position, and finally, provide the cornerstone to the renewal of BIRD brand.

Officers of provincial military district visited BIRD