Bird News (July 21, 2006 Vol.5)
·The BIRD Sales Conference opening for the second-half year of 2006
· France Rouen city government delegation came for a visit
·BIRD sponsors the TV program “2006 on-going College Admission” in CCTV-2
·Campaign of “Honor for Party’s flag, Devote for BIRD departure” by the BIRD Party Committee
·Fire extinction rehearsal in BIRD to enhance the safety consciousness
·Bird MP3 series — Music Walkman, Enjoy more fun
Sweet music taste, my music biscuit - M03
· Bird English Learning Series
Magic English learning, Study becomes happy - M29

The BIRD Sales Conference opening for the second-half year of 2006
    BIRD Company held its Sales Conference for the 2nd half year of 2006 on June 10.  Mr. Xu Lihua, the board chairman and general manager of BIRD, deputy general manager Sui Bo, Ma Sitian, Ma Xiaojian, Dai Maoyu, Zhang Zhangxuan; and the general manager of the sales company Zhang Yingzhi, the deputy general manager of sales company Ren Shaohu and Wang Daoyang participated in the conference.  The branch managers from different provinces also participated in the conference too.
    This conference summarized the sales result from Jan to May of 2006, analyzed certain problems in the current sales strategies, and proposed corresponding solutions.  Attendants discussed mainly on the topics for increasing the sales with major chain stores & carriers, and how to low down the fixed expenses.  Mr. Xu Lihua emphasized some crucial problems faced by BIRD now and he also encouraged everybody to promote the fighting spirit of the employees.
France Rouen city government delegation came for a visit